Featured Project // My little girls room makeover
So I happen to be one of the rare one’s it seems who hasn’t ever fallen in love with the baby girl pink movement. It’s a gorgeous color for some, but when it came time to re-design my little girls room I decided to draw inspiration from my favorite color GREEN. Below are some photographs from how the room turned out. I was excited to see it all come together finally! It was a long time in the making. Originally her room was chocolate brown because she inherited my old home office from years ago.
Special Mentions
Custom Painted Name Wall Art painted by yours truly, Vintage Toys in shelf, Painted Green Cabinets in the Bathroom to tie in the bedroom walls, Vintage Ralph Lauren Comforter, Hand Painted bench back from her dad.
Things To Keep In Mind
Kids in general collect way too much. Actually don’t we all collect too much! Anyhow in an attempt to simplify her space we really de-cluttered her room. I stuck to the philosophy of if she’s using it daily great we’ll keep it, if not let’s consider adding it to the give away pile. Have you ever watched little ones play? It’s interesting, I observed my daughter during this design process and out of the 100’s of toys and knick knacks that used to clutter up her room she would always gravitate to 1 or 2 simple toys and the rest just sat there, caused mess and chaos. You’ll notice now I’ve intentionally put very little out. She uses her imagination to play and has the space and clean environment to do it in.